01 November 2009


Recently I've been taking a lot of pictures of the fall landscape. I just thought I'd share a few of my favorites.


  1. I don't know there's just something really cool about being able to capture just a little bit of natures beauty and look back at it and think of how blessed we are that we were given things as small as rocks and leaves and as big as trees and sunsets to enjoy forever by our God!!!! :D Nice pictures Katie, I really like the one with the rocks and the leaf and the sunset pic is amazing!!! I love sunset pictures as you probably know!!! haha :D RAPIDS

  2. i know, it's so incredible! Thank you very much! :D me too, i have soooo many! They're my favorite thing to take pictures of :D

  3. You're very welcome!!! :D Yeah, they're mine too!!! :D RAPIDS


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