29 March 2010

National Find-A-Rainbow Day

Saturday is National Find-A-Rainbow Day. (When typing the title, I miss-spelled rainbow three times.) I'm so excited... I think NFARD is one of my most favorite holidays ever.

Reasons why:

...I love rain! and, of course, to have a rainbow you must have rain.

...it reminds me of my favorite neighborhood park in England. in the spring, that park was beautiful. crocuses covered all of the grass, and everything was growing, and it smelled like spring.

...rainbows are beautiful.
and I love beautiful things.

...AND NFARD is my birthday. oh yes. fifteen years old. I'll be looking for a rainbow every single minute of the day.

(Ali- I fully expect something rainbow-ish for my birthday. ha. ha. Just kidding.)

It's supposed to "lightly shower" on the 3rd, so hopefully there will be enough for a rainbow. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've seen a single rainbow during the entire 3+ish years I've lived in Indiana. Sad day. Oh well. Maybe this year.

I love obscure holidays. Tell-A-Lie Day and National Honesty Day are both in April (the 4th & the 30th). Irony? I think so.

I really don't know how true NFARD is, but I've seen it more than one place while trying to see if there was a holiday on my birthday. And even if it isn't real, I'm still celebrating.

That picture (the very first flower this year!) is proof. Proof that spring is here!

22 March 2010


My new favorite quote:

“You cannot run away from a weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?” Robert Louis Stevenson

12 March 2010

SPRING is in the air

I'm almost positive that you can only make a face like that when you're seven.

10 March 2010

So Long

It's been over a week. Deep sigh. A week has been almost the longest that I've been without writing something since the summer, when I didn't write at all and "forgot" about it. I don't know why I haven't written. Last week I was busy, and sick, and I didn't feel like I had anything to say. This week, I'm still busy with school, but not sick, and I still feel like I don't have very much to say. I feel like my thoughts have been going none stop about things for the past week and I'm ready to shut it off. I want to write, I just don't want to write anything pointless and put it up here. This is my apology for not writing. I promise I'll write something tomorrow or Sunday. Monday at the latest.

02 March 2010


**NOTE** this was not Photoshopped at all. Thanks to a freaky flash and a slow shutter speed it was just my camera.

01 March 2010


I accidentally deleted the template I had on my blog. I was looking for a new one that I liked anyways, but I wasn't ready to change it yet. So bear with me until I get a new one. :) I'm thinking about switching to Wordpress. I was looking at it tonight and it looks like it has more themes and I think that I could do more with it. Just a thought though, but Blogger hasn't been working well for me lately, and since they redid the comment viewer, it's not as easy to use. I'm not sure, so I'll think about it and ask my dad.