24 July 2011

happy lists and dancing songs.

Last summer when I got home, my best friend had a copy of 1400 Things to Be Happy About waiting for me. Since then, I've been slowly working my way through it, writing some of my own in the margins and underlining the ones I loved.

And so, in no particular order, here are a few of the things I've been loving lately.

Chasing Pavements, by Adele. Our favorite creperie in Lille played Adele all the time; I fell in love with this song. I'm dying for an iTunes giftcard so I can buy it, but for now I'll be content with Youtube.

This quote. Quotes about travel hit close to home with me.

Obviously; bokeh, spiderwebs, and rain. I hadn't realized how much I missed the daily storms in the afternoon until I yesterday while it was pouring. The rain makes for an amazing reading environment. AND I miss using my 50mm lens. It's not so great for wide scenes, mainly what I've taken this past month, but it's amazing for everything else.

Breakfast dates with the siblings. Joseph and Anna played chess; I sat back and gave bad advice on the game. That right there is my first Starbucks in over a month. Now that we're back in America, I can drink coffee black again- European coffee is just a wee bit too strong for me.

 (credit unknown.)

This photo. It's my favorite Abbey Road photo- maybe even more than the original. (I'm actually not even sure it's the real Abbey Road, but it's similar enough for me.) I have a file on my desktop entitled "pictures to print" (9 cents for the small size from Walmart) and this is among them. Can't wait to have it hanging on my wall.

The non-photographed items: 

-My new copy of To Kill a Mockingbird. This book is brilliant.

-My wall. I'll have to show you a picture sometime. Besides my bookcase, it's my favorite part of my room. I just added a picture of the Tower, my I Heart RBX sticker, and half of the Shakespeare and Company bag, not to mention train tickets.

-The pomegranate green tea we bought in England. It's lovely.

-The pile of scarves I have hanging on the wall. You can't beat one euro each. Right now I'm wearing the bright blue one with roses. Picture later?

What's on your happy list today? Have a happy Sunday!


  1. This post is so, well, happy; I love it. To Kill A Mockingbird is one of my favorite books, and that Abbey Road picture is hilarious.
    On my list: my new lens, a whole stack of library books to read, and looking forward to seeing my cousins next week. :)

  2. what an awesome post. i wish i could have a wall like you...and charlie. but my dad would freak if i started taping stuff to a wall. when PB and i move out in a couple of years and get our own place we're going to have a wall:) my happy list is friends, and new clothes and jewelry. and sleep:)

  3. I'm going off to college in a few weeks and I have a stack of lovely pictures I'm going to plaster all over my dorm wall to make the room not so much like a prison... that Abbey Road picture will now be one of them. so thank you for that:)

  4. These things all made me smile! I'm happy for discovering a new gallery, recieving exciting post and planning my trip to Amsterdam.
    I too plan on printing some photos soon--mainly for my Photography course, ones I've taken that need to go in my sketchbook, but now I'm thinking I should print others for my room.

  5. This post was lovely and joyful and I loved it. Adele makes me happy, that quote is perfect, and I adore bokeh.

    I love good quality sibling time like that (and you can't go wrong with Starbucks, right? ;P). Sometimes it's nice to get away from the house...I'm about to leave and take my brother to a movie. =)

    Your wall sounds magnificent. Please show us a picture!

    Oh ohhh, I LOVE To Kill a Mockingbird--one of my favorite books ever. And scarves + tea just might equal heaven.


  6. I've always thought that book was such a wonderful idea! I love your list of things that have made you happy lately. I really do love that spoofed Abbey Road photo, too. :D Hanging fun things like that all over your wall really gives your room a great vibe. Ah, and To Kill A Mockingbird was one of the few assigned reading books I've actually absolutely adored. And I'm a frequent scarf wearer myself. :)

  7. Wow. I'm super jealous. I should have sent you to europe with money for me. ;)

    And your package... that's still a long story. But in essence -- my grandma didn't send it like she'd claimed. I'm having her send it whilst I'm at camp. Hopefully she'll follow through this time???


  8. Pictures of the scarves and your room! :D ps. did you delete your tumblr? I can't find you!

  9. Kendall- I hadn't read it since 8th grade English class, and I was just blown away. I'm so happy about your lens. :))

    LF- I use sticky tack ;) sleep is essential!

    Mary Catherine- please share some of the photos! I'd love to see what you have. :)

    Libby- I'm so excited for your trip to Amsterdam. it's a great city.

    Jennoelle- ohh a movie sounds amazing! I'll have to go out with my brother one of these days. :)

    Natalie- That's such a fun realization, when you love a book that you're required to read.

    Bleah- yes you should have! next time though ;) don't worry about the package!

    Jodie- alrighty then :) sent you the link!

    Carolina- ohmygosh this comment made my day. asdfghjkl :))

  10. I would be mad at you and feel betrayed because you listen to Adele, but I'm too busy being impressed by the incredibly awesome Starbucks photo, and intensely grateful that you suggested such an amazing-sounding book to us which I will definitely read this summer. BYE!

  11. Christopher- umm, excuse me, no. I actually don't listen to very much of her music, I just like that one song. And how did you get past eighth grade without reading To Kill a Mockingbird?

  12. you hang stuff all over your wall too??

  13. sweet pea, oh yes! I'm running out of room.

  14. I did read To Kill a Mockingbird. Twice. What are you talking about? And I saw the movie. And my grandfather was best friends with the screen-writer of the movie. Is that from the book or something?

  15. Oh!!! When I thanked you for mentioned the new book, I was talking about 14,000 Things to Be Happy About, not To Kill a Mockingbird.

  16. hahahahaha. okay then, my apologies. That makes so much more sense.

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