25 April 2011

mondays are my favorite.

Quote love: "We don't need to have just one favorite. We keep adding favorites. Our favorite book is always the book that speaks most directly to us at a particular stage in our lives. And our lives change. We have other favorites that give us what we most need at that particular time. But we never lose the old favorites. They're always with us. We just sort of accumulate them." 

Specifically this Monday, which, even with a rocky start, ended up being abnormally restful and enjoyable. I'm still on Easter break; classes at Taylor started tonight but I won't be back until Wednesday. No Taylor= no early start= happy Katie.

I know it's cliche and whatnot to talk about the weather, but I like it. I like weather, I like hearing what it's like for you. The blogging community is so spread out across the world that even though it's pouring rain at different intervals throughout my day, it may be desert or winter for you. The weather today: rainy, rainy, rainy. As it usually happens on Mondays, this calls for extended lessons of Dutch, a Beatles/Coldplay radio, and endless cups of tea. As soon as the rain goes away I'll have pictures of something other than drops of rain on flowers. My room gets terrible light even during the summer, and even though the rain saturated the greens and greys outside, it doesn't brighten up my room at all. Because of that, all the interesting pictures I could take of my books, my two unfilled Eiffel Tower journals, my new bracelets, and the letter I got, I can't take because of silly low light. As soon as it's sunny...

Our travel plans for France are coming together neatly. We'll be spending a week in England, flying into London. I'm hoping to convince my parents that a few hours in London are absolutely necessary. I've been to London before, but this time Libby lives only an hour away and I'll never be that close to meeting her again. And her parents think it's a brilliant idea...or something along those lines. After England, we should be heading to over to France. Maybe there'll be a little one-day-holiday in Paris at some point during the summer. No matter what those five weeks end up looking like, it should turn out to be nothing short of an adventure.

My weekend was ordinary, except for Sunday, which included church services in the morning, lunch afterward, and Settlers of Catan during the afternoon. Read that sentence as: Everyone else played Settlers of Catan, and I skipped out and read a book. I'm averaging one book a day since Friday afternoon, and I'm not about to let that stop. :)

Tomorrow should include another blog post, (I'm pushing two hundred posts, and it's a little alarming how long it's taken me to get here since one hundred. Things to do: post more often) bike around the block, (2.5 miles; we're from the country) and knock out this section of Dutch. And speaking of Dutch, my current favorite Dutch words are the ones that begin with kn, as in knie (translated as knee. Not that hard to figure out ;). You pronounce both the k and the n, and it makes for a much more enjoyable speaking experience.

How was your Easter weekend, whether or not you celebrated?


  1. mmmm, sounds like my weekend. Average, but then not.
    how could a weekend be average when i read the first hunger games? ;)

    oohh. btw: i now have a twitter. I think I'm following you, or whatever. :)
    I had one like 2 years ago and now I can not remember anything about it...

  2. my weekend was lovely, and yours sounds equally pleasant. and you know, if you do happen to visit london, you could always get your send pen pal a post card or something...*wink wink*

    got your letter yesterday -- made me happy :)

    love always,
    anna :)

  3. For some reason I never tire of hearing about the weather either, even though it's usually considered a mundane topic. It's been rainy here lately too, and thunderstormed last night, but today it actually looks sunny out right now! Yay!

    Your travel plans sound unbelievably exciting. Getting to traipse across Europe through England and France for five weeks... I'm sure it will be amazing!

    I'm so sad that I haven't been able to read much lately. I had ample time over spring break, but I couldn't drive to the library because my parents took the car. Drat. My weekend was just the right balance between being boring and pleasantly relaxing, haha.

  4. So, semi random question, I've been wondering how you stamp your pictures? Or watermark them, however you want to term it.

    Also, I had a good weekend, Wrote three papers Saturday and it was a PERFECT day weather wise. barely 70 and sunny. I wore a dress. Sunday it went back to rain, but I got to spend a couple hours playing with a five-year-old, so it was good.

  5. I love these posts. They make me smile. And it would be the best thing if we could meet! :) Or just sit in a cafe and read because it seems like that would be a good alternative. I've been reading a lot too.
    As for that weather thing? My life revolves around it. I live in England. What else is there to talk about? And in some crazy way, I miss the rain. We've not had any proper rain this month, because of the heatwave. There's been dew and an overnight shower or two, but nothing heavy.

  6. I love the second picture with the water droplet. Beautiful.

    Easter weekend for Hubs and I was tiring. We both volunteer at church, so he and I worked long hours on getting a video prepped for Sunday as well as final setup and stage design. We ran three services Sunday (instead of the regular two). It was exhausting, but good.

    I've never played Settlers of Catan, but I hear it's a good and challenging game!

  7. It was rainy and windy today, as it has been for the past week. Blah. I'm looking forward to when the sunshine returns, too! :)


  8. That quote is perfect. The pictures are awesome. And the rain sounds like heaven right now. It hasn't rained in forever here. I mean, April showers? Complete LIE. Ahem. On the bright side it's pretty nice weather. :)

  9. I like the weather also...I mostly prefer the summer months...mostly beacause I love flip flops, and sundresses. However I do love those rainy months almost as much..I find thundershowers peaceful, and I love the smell in the air just before it rains...not to mention gives me an excuse to wear my zebra print rainboots! Good thing I like them because the rainy months are upon me here in the South..=)

  10. It's such a weird story... haha. I really don't want my grandma being able to read it.
    LOL -- um, I'll try to figure something out. :)


  11. Fabulous photos, I love your messy bun. ♥

    Been trying for ages to do one like that but mine looks horrendous!

    The Cat Hag


go ahead. make my day.